Tigar's manufacturing entities produced in May a total of 365 tones of finished products, which is close to actual production throughout the first quarter of this year.
More than half of the total production was realized at Tigar Rubber Footwear. This plant in May produced 162 000 pairs of rubber footwear, which when observed by weight amounts to 187t and increase for 36,4 percent in relation to the entire first quarter of 2013.
May production in Tigar Rubber Technical Goods was for 36t lower than in the previous month, but the total volume of 358t, which was produced in April and May in this factory, was higher for 71 percent when compared to the entire first quarter.
From a total of 18 tons of goods, that was produced in May at the factory Tigar Chemical Products, nearly 60 percent was earmarked for the internal needs of Tigar.
External sales revenues of Tigar in May were RSD 233.2 million, while exports amounted to RSD 123, 5 million.
Total external revenues of the company in April and May amount to RSD 480 million.
Center of Corporate Communication Tigar a.d.
2013, June 10