Extraordinary General Assembly 2013
Dear Shareholders,
Before us is the Extraordinary session of the General Assembly and the opportunity to bring a number of important decisions aimed to normalize the functioning of the company. Our legal obligation is to pass a resolution on the election of auditing firm for the year 2013, and on the Agenda is the corrected financial statement, prepared on the basis of the decision of the General Assembly as of June this year. In order to assess the current situation and to implement the measures to normalize business operations, the Company has prepared a program of business and financial consolidation, which among other things includes a number of strategic decisions.
The Extraordinary session of the General Assembly of the Joint-Stock Company Tigar from Pirot (Tigar AD) will be held on 18 December 2013 in Pirot, in the Large Conference Room of the Administrative Building at the seat of the Company, 213, Nikole Pasica Str., starting at 12:00 hours.
A g e n d a:
1) Making Decision on adoption of the Revised Financial Statement of Tigar a.d. Pirot for the year 2012 and on how to cover the loss reported within the Revised Financial Statement for 2012 and of Independent Auditor’s Report related to Revised Financial Statement for the year 2012;
2) Making Decision on the reduction of Company’s basic capital;
3) Making Decision on adoption of the Revised Consolidated Financial Statement of Tigar a.d. Pirot for the year 2012 and of the Independent Auditor’s Report related to the Revised Consolidated Financial Statement for the year 2012;
4) Making Decision on election of independent auditors;
5) Adoption of the Program of Business&Financial Consolidation of Tigar a.d. Pirot;
6) Making Decision on amendments and supplements of the By-Laws of the Joint Stock Company Tigar, Pirot;
7) Adoption of Rules on calculation and payment of remuneration to members of Supervisory Board, members of Supervisory Board’s committees and to Chairperson of the General Assembly;
You are kindly invited to take part in the decision-making under the above items on the Agenda, either in person or by proxy. Detailed information about voting by proxy is contained in the Notice of the Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly which is appended hereto. Also appended is a Power of Attorney Form for the proxy.
If you decide not to participate in person but by proxy, kindly complete the Power of Attorney Form, identifying yourself (address, ID card number or citizen’s number/corporate ID number) and your proxy (full name and voting instructions under each item on the Agenda), and submit the Power of Attorney to Tigar AD not later than 3 days before the session (either in person or by mail in a blue envelope). This booklet contains the decision proposals under all the Agenda items and relative Explanatory notes.
Materials for the session: Corrected Financial Statement 2012, Program of business&financial consolidation, draft resolutions under each item on the Agenda and materials relative to draft resolutions may be downloaded from the Company’s website www.tigar.com and will be available for inspection at the Company's headquarters each working day – from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4pm.
N o t e:
Kindly arrive at the venue of the session not later than 10 a.m. for registration of attendance and other formalities, so that the session of the General Assembly may begin on time. Please note that you will be required to present an ID card for identification purposes.
In Pirot, date: 27.11.2013.
Managing Director
Nebojša Đenadić
I n v i t a t i o n
Material for the Extraordinary Session of General Assembly (booklet)
Power of attorney
Ballot for voting in absentia