General Assembly 2016
Dear Shareholders,
We are informing you that the regular session of the General Assembly of the Joint Stock Company Tigar from Pirot (Tigar AD) will be held on 22 June 2016 in Pirot, in the Large Conference Room of the Administrative Building at the headquarters of the Company, Nikole Pasica Street no. 213, starting at 12:00 o'clock.
A g e n d a
1) Making Decision on adopting the Financial Statement of the Joint Stock Company Tigar Pirot for the year 2015 and reports related to it: Executive Board's Business Report, Supervisory Board�s Report and the Independent Auditor's Report.
2) Making Decision on adopting the Consolidated Financial Statement of the Joint Stok Company Tigar Pirot for the year 2015 and reports related to it: Executive Board's Business Report, Supervisory Board�s Report and the Independent Auditor's Report.
3) Making Decision on election of independent auditor for the year 2016;
4) Making Decision on amendments and supplements of the Joint Stock Company Tigar By-Laws;
5) Making Decision on appointing a member of the Joint Stock Company Tigar Supervisory Board.
We hereby invite you to participate in decision-making on the items on the agenda, either in person or through a proxy. Detailed information about voting via proxy is contained in the Invitation for a regular session of the General Assembly, which is enclosed with this material, as well as power of attorney for the voting at the General Assembly session.
The power of attorney, to be filled in places marked for identification of the proxy (first an last name with the voting instructions on individual agenda items) should be submitted to the Joint Stock Company Tigar in Pirot not later than 3 days prior to the meeting, or until 20 June 2015 (in person or by mail). This material contains draft decisions on all items on the agenda with corresponding explanations.
Materials for the session may be downloaded from the Company�s website and will be available for inspection at the Company's headquarters each working day � from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4pm.
N o t e:
For the record of presence and other preparatory actions, please inform us about your coming not later than 10am at the place of maintaining of the session, stated in the notice, so that the Assembly may begin on time. Please note that you will be required to present an ID card for identification purposes.
At the session of the General Assembly are invited, in accordance with the Decision of the Supervisory Board of the Joint Stock Company Tigar Pirot, owners of shares on 12 May 2015 according to the unique records of shareholders. All the invitations are sent to shareholders' addresses.
The right to participate in the work of the session have persons who are shareholders of the Company on the tenth day before the date of the meeting, according to the list of shareholders which is determined on the basis of statements of shareholders from the Central Registry - Day Meeting: 12 June 2016.
Sincerely yours,
In Pirot, 21 May 2016
Managing Director
Nebojsa Djenadic, (handwritten signature)
I n v i t a t i o n
Material for the regular session of General Assembly
Power of Attorney
Ballot for Voting in Absentia
Auditor's opinion on the financial statements for the year 2015
Auditor's opinion on the consolidated financial statements for the year 2015
Minutes as of the regular session of the General assembly of the Joint Stock Company Tigar Pirot