On Friday, June 14th was held the ordinary General Assembly of Tigar a.d.
The Company Law stipulates that in the work of the General Assembly may participate those shareholders holding at least 0.1 percent of votes, as in the case of Tigar AD is 1,700 shares.
On the occasion of the GA session, there were approved the financial statement and consolidated financial statement of Tigar ad, with the abstained auditor’s opinion, based on which these reports are to be corrected during 2013.
In addition to these items, the members of the General Assembly appointed the new Supervisory Board in the following composition: Gordana Lazarevic, Nebojsa Petrovic, Valentina Ivanią Igor Markičević and Milun Trivunac.
At the meeting was made a decision on the election of an external auditor for the year 2013, which will represent, together with the proposal related to restructuring of the Tigar’s business system, an item within the Agenda of the extraordinary session of the General Assembly to be held in early autumn.